New Employment Laws in California in 2023: What Employers Need to Know

March 22, 2023 | By Law Office Of Parag L Amin, P.C.
New Employment Laws in California in 2023: What Employers Need to Know

California is known for having some of the most progressive and employee-friendly employment laws in the country. In 2023, several new employment laws have been enacted in California that employers need to be aware of. In this blog post, we will discuss the most significant new employment laws in California in 2023 and what employers need to know to stay compliant.

Expansion of Family and Medical Leave - One of the most significant new employment laws in California in 2023 is the expansion of family and medical leave. California already has one of the most generous family and medical leave policies in the country, but the new law expands the definition of "family member" to include grandparents, grandchildren, siblings, and domestic partners. This means that employees are now eligible for family and medical leave to care for a broader range of family members.

Increased Protections for Gig Workers - Another significant new employment law in California in 2023 is the increased protections for gig workers. California has enacted several laws in recent years to provide more protections for gig workers, and the new law extends these protections to include minimum wage requirements, overtime pay, and other benefits. Employers need to be aware of these new protections and ensure that they are providing gig workers with the appropriate benefits and compensation.

Ban on Salary History Inquiries - California has also enacted a new law that bans employers from inquiring about an applicant's salary history. The law is designed to address the gender pay gap and to prevent employers from basing an applicant's salary on their prior earnings, which can perpetuate pay disparities. Employers need to be aware of this new law and ensure that they are not asking applicants about their salary history during the hiring process.

New Restrictions on Non-Compete Agreements - Another new employment law in California in 2023 is the restrictions on non-compete agreements. California has always been hostile to non-compete agreements, and the new law extends these restrictions to include additional restrictions on the use of non-compete agreements. Employers need to be aware of these restrictions and ensure that any non-compete agreements they use are compliant with California law.

Increased Penalties for Wage and Hour Violations - Finally, California has increased the penalties for wage and hour violations. The new law increases the penalties for wage and hour violations, including minimum wage violations, overtime violations, and other wage and hour violations. Employers need to be aware of these increased penalties and ensure that they are in compliance with California's wage and hour laws.

In conclusion, California has enacted several new employment laws in 2023 that employers need to be aware of. From the expansion of family and medical leave to the increased protections for gig workers, these new laws will have a significant impact on California employers. Employers need to stay informed about these new laws and ensure that they are in compliance with all relevant employment laws in California. By doing so, they can protect their interests, minimize their exposure to legal disputes, and provide their employees with the benefits and protections they deserve.  Contact LawPLA to consult with one of our attorneys specializing in employer’s defense. We protect employers rights in the workplace and in court.