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Bicyclist Hit By an Uber or Lyft in LA? Here Are Your Legal Options

Bicycle Accident, Uber, Lyft

Bicyclist Hit By an Uber or Lyft in LA? Here Are Your Legal Options

Ridesharing apps like Uber and Lyft have dramatically changed the way people get around in Los Angeles and other cities. To be sure, there are many positives to these services, as they have made it easier for those either unable or too inebriated to drive to obtain affordable car transportation.

But anyone who spends time on Los Angeles streets knows that Uber and Lyft have also made the streets less safe in other ways. Ridesharing cars frequently stop right in the middle of streets waiting for passengers to load or disembark, or otherwise stop in no-stopping zones such as bicycle lanes. Drivers are also often on streets unfamiliar to them, distractedly looking for passengers and locations and not paying attention to the road, all the while trying to move quickly so as to increase their fares.

This all means that bicyclists who call Los Angeles home are faced with yet another hazard in the form of Uber and Lyft drivers. If you have been injured by an Uber or Lyft car while on your bicycle, you may have legal options to recover a significant financial settlement or verdict.

Rideshare Drivers Must Carry $1 Million in Coverage in CA

Since 2015, California has required that rideshare drivers working for companies like Uber or Lyft carry $1 million in coverage for death, personal injury, or property damage. This coverage amount, however, only applies from the time that a driver has accepted a rideshare assignment until the time that the ride has been completed.

Thus, if you have been an injury as the result of a bicycle accident with a rideshare driver who, for example, is negligently idling in traffic or in a bike lane while waiting for a passenger to enter the car or disembark, you may be able to pursue legal recovery for your medical costs, lost income, and pain suffering, all with the understanding that there is a $1 million insurance policy in place to address such injuries.

Those coverage requirements do not necessarily apply, however, at other times (such as when the driver is looking for a fare), but you may still be able to pursue a legal action against the driver if he operated the vehicle negligently, resulting in your injuries. With the help of an experienced personal injury attorney, there may also be options to file a lawsuit directly against Uber or Lyft with regard to its management of the driver.

Do Not Hesitate to Obtain Legal Help After a Ridesharing Accident

In any case, it is important to contact an attorney as soon as possible after a bicycle accident, as doing so can greatly increase the attorney’s ability to collect the evidence necessary – which can include physical evidence from the accident scene, statements from eyewitnesses, and digital data related to the ridesharing service – to help prove your claim in order to win maximum financial recovery on your behalf.

Contact a Los Angeles Bicycle Accident Attorney Today

If you have been the victim of a bicycle accident with a car, truck, motorcyclist, or scooter in California, the personal injury team at LawPLA who can help you assess your situation and understand what legal options are available to you for financial recovery. Contact LawPLA today to schedule a consultation to discuss your bicycle accident, and what we may be able to do on your behalf.


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