How to Handle Nervousness About Your Legal Case

April 19, 2021 | By Law Office Of Parag L Amin, P.C.
How to Handle Nervousness About Your Legal Case

When it comes to gauging Americans’ propensity for litigation, the data doesn’t lie. According to one estimate, up to 40 million lawsuits are filed in United States Courts annually. The vast majority of these are filed in state courts.

More than 16 million civil suits were filed in state trial courts in 2019 alone. Of those, more than 965,000 were filed in California. Assuming that there were at least two parties to each case, we can estimate that more than 1.8 million people were involved in lawsuits here that year.

Yet for every person who has been involved in civil litigation, it’s a safe bet there are at least two or three more who haven’t. And for the uninitiated, the legal process can be intimidating, if not scary. At LawPLA, we understand if you feel anxious, stressed or nervous about your legal case. Here are some tips that may help.

Talk to us – we are here for you

As attorneys, we have a professional and ethical obligation to act in your best interest. But our commitment to helping you goes beyond that. We truly care what happens to you and we will do what we can to put your mind at ease. That being stated, we cannot help if we do not know why you are worried or concerned.

At the Law Office of Parag L. Amin P.C., we try to refrain from using too much legal jargon when we’re talking with clients because we know it can be confusing. But we’re only human, so sometimes we forget. If this makes you more nervous about your legal case, don’t be afraid to ask questions. We would much rather have you ask for an explanation than to have you end a phone call or leave our office feeling even more nervous than you were before.

Develop strategies to help manage your nerves

We also encourage our clients to be proactive about managing their anxiety, especially before deposition or trial. Think about some of your “nervous habits” and develop strategies to mitigate them.

For example, if you tend to ramble or talk too fast, ask your friends or family to ask you difficult questions. Focus on giving concise responses, and think about repeating the mantra, “stop, and breathe, stop and breathe,” to yourself after making your key points.

Conversely, if you have difficulty speaking or concentrating when you are anxious, create “flash cards” with key points that you can use to highlight important aspects of your narrative. Review them until you feel confident telling your story in its entirety.

If you suffer from general nervousness or anxiety that may adversely affect your legal case, we may even recommend meditation, yoga or exercise to help you cope as your case progresses.

We will help you prepare for depositions and trial

Ideally, we will resolve your legal case without going to trial. However, a big part our job is helping you prepare for depositions and court. We begin by giving you a general overview of what to expect, including the types of questions the opposing lawyer is likely to ask. We can also show videos so you are familiar with how deposition rooms and courtrooms are organized. We may then do one or more mock depositions or cross-examinations to make you familiar not only with the type of questions that may be asked, but also the way in which they are asked. That way you won’t be caught off guard later.

Please keep in mind, however, that we cannot tell you what to say, or how to say it. Preparation is one thing. “Coaching” is highly professional and unethical.

LawPLA puts our clients first

At LawPLA, we believe actions speak louder than words. So we don’t just talk about putting our clients first. We actually do it. Among other things, this means we listen to and address your questions and concerns. Contact us to learn more about how we may be able to help with your personal injury, business, employment or real estate claim.